
Lawyers and associates

More about the partners of NMB Avocats

Maxime Buchet has developed an extensive legal practice in some of the most renowned law firms in Paris. In particular, he advises on acquisitions and restructuring, group taxation, real estate and property transactions.

His wide-ranging experience of CAC 40 companies enables him to provide pragmatic, cross-functional solutions. He is the author of numerous articles published in various legal and economic journals, including: Droit Fiscal, Les Echos and Option Finances.

Maxime Buchet holds a degree in comparative law from Copenhagen Law School, a DJCE and a DESS in corporate law and taxation from Aix en Provence Law School, as well as first prize in the François Lefebvre competition.

He is a member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), the International Bar Association (IBA), the Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) and the Institut des Avocats Conseils Fiscaux (IACF).

Tél. : +33 (0)1 77 72 66 73


Maxime Buchet

Nicolas Melot

Nicolas Melot has a very significant practice in business and tax law within large international law firms, where he has acquired recognised experience, particularly in mergers and acquisitions, international taxation, asset taxation and complex transactions.

Nicolas Melot is also a senior lecturer at the Rennes Law Faculty, where he runs the Master II International Business Law course. He also teaches tax law at the University of Paris II and the University of Paris-Dauphine.

Nicolas Melot holds a postgraduate diploma (DESS) in foreign trade law from the University of Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne), a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in private international law from the University of Paris II (Panthéon Assas), a Master of Legal Law (LLM) in international taxation (New York University, Law School) and a doctorate in law from the University of Paris II (Panthéon Assas).

A member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and the Société française de finances publiques (SFFP), he is also the author of “Territorialité et mondialité de l’impôt”, published by Editions Dalloz in 2004, and of numerous publications and studies in French and foreign journals. For this work, Nicolas Melot was awarded the Bercy prize by the Société française de finances publiques and the Mitchell B. Carroll prize by the International Fiscal Association.

Téléphone : +33 (0)2 99 69 01 02


Admitted to the Paris Bar in 1999, Brice Laveau is fluent in English and Italian and has significant experience in business litigation gained within large international law firms.

Between 2006 and 2012, he was also in charge of the legal department of the French branch of a leading banking institution belonging to the Italian banking group UniCredit, and was involved in a wide range of banking and financial transactions.

He assists French and foreign companies and their directors in pre-contractual and contentious business situations. In particular, he advises financial institutions, companies in the industrial sector and entities with diplomatic status.

He also defends a large number of clients in criminal business law and criminal employment law cases.

Finally, he advises on employment law, in connection with acquisitions, restructurings, redundancies and individual and collective disputes.

His experience enables him to assist his clients in complex, cross-sectoral and often cross-border disputes, particularly in the context of Franco-Italian relations.

Brice Laveau is a lecturer in international finance law at the Faculty of Law in Rennes. He holds a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in private international law and international trade law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas, where he completed his entire university course.


Brice Laveau

Toma Rajcevic

Toma Rajcevic has acquired extensive experience in international, business, private, arbitration, European and international development law, acting as counsel or expert for the French, US and Serbian governments, the European Commission, the World Bank, the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), investment funds and international companies. He has worked in France, Central and Eastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, where he has negotiated and drafted international contracts, advised investors on how to set up their businesses, arbitrated disputes and helped countries harmonise their legislation to comply with European requirements.

Toma Rajcevic teaches international private law and international arbitration at the Faculty of Law in Rennes (Master II International Business Law). He was a lecturer at the University of Cergy-Pontoise in private, family and commercial law.

He holds a doctorate in law and a post-graduate diploma (DEA) in private international law and international trade law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas, where he completed his entire university curriculum, as well as a post-graduate diploma in law (Master I) and magister sci. iure (DEA) from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade.

He is a member of the European Movement.

Toma Rajcevic is the author of “Droit international privé dans les codifications des pays de l’Europe de l’Est”, published by the Belgrade Institute of Comparative Law, and “Droit européen de la concurrence”, published jointly by the French and Serbian governments. He is also an author for JurisClasseur and the author of numerous publications and works that have appeared in the French and foreign legal and general press, including the Revue critique du droit international privé and the Revue de l’arbitrage.

He was sworn in as a lawyer in 2003. After practising in an international law firm in Paris, he joined Melot et Buchet Avocats in 2011.

He is a lawyer at the Paris Bar.